Our vision at Temm & Associates, Inc. is to be the intellectual resource for health care organizations and professionals, combining passion with prescriptive actions and tools, to drive outcomes and maximize the human potential within each organization and health care as a whole.
Our goal is to help clients achieve success in times of uncertainty, difficulty, and regulatory change as health care organizations navigate the complexities of health care reform.
Culture and Values
The basic responsibility of every consultant at Temm & Associates, Inc. is to put the interests of our clients ahead of his or her own, and to serve them with integrity and competence. We live our values and operate with high integrity in all dealings; we are mindful and transparent about all that we do on behalf of our clients, community partners, and the firm.
We guard the confidentiality of all client information. We do not take financial gain or any other kind of advantage based on inside information. We will not serve two or more competing clients with sensitive issues without obtaining prior approval from each client. We will inform the client in writing of any circumstances that might influence our judgment or objectivity.
Before accepting an assignment, we will confer with the client in sufficient detail to understand the problem and the scope of work needed to address the issue. Such preliminary consultations are conducted confidentially, on terms agreed to by the client.
We do not accept commissions or pay them to others for client referrals. To maintain our impartiality, we will not accept fees or commissions from others for recommending equipment, supplies or services.
We will accept only those assignments we are qualified to perform. We cannot, however, guarantee any specific results, such as the amount of cost reduction or profit increase. We present our qualifications on the basis of competence and experience. We perform each assignment on an individualized basis, and develop recommendations specifically for each client.
At our core we are driven to serve. As professionals, we serve our clients’ best interests and create tangible, lasting results. As colleagues, we serve each other by providing support, sharing knowledge, and celebrating each other’s accomplishments. As people, we serve our community through leadership, charity and compassion.
Culture of Excellence
Temm & Associates, Inc. partners with health care organizations to create an aligned culture that is accountable to achieving outcomes together. Working side-by-side, we help to establish, accelerate, and execute the necessary changes to create a culture of excellence. This leads to better transparency, higher accountability, and the ability to target and execute specific, objective results that organizations want to achieve.
We welcome the opportunity to assist you and your organization in meeting the challenges of tomorrow. Contact us to discuss how we may assist you.